Here are some frequently asked questions.
Let us know if you have any more.

Q: What is the proper attire for church services?

A: We don't care what you wear.  T-Shirt and Jeans? no problem.  3 piece suit? No problem.  

Q: What are worship services like?

A:  We are a spirit-filled church that believes in allowing the Holy Spirit to move as He sees fit.  We worship and praise with fervency.  

Q: What are mid-week service like?

A: The mid-week service is called "Wednesdays at the Well and is designed around intecessory prayer.  We believe prayer is the foundation on which a revival lifestyle is produced.  

Q: Do you have a nursery?

A: Yes we do! We have dedicated workers for our nursery so that you can be at ease while in service that your child is being taken care of.  Sunday Morning & Evening Services & Wednesday Night. Nursery ages: Newborn to 3

Q: Do you have kid's church? 

A: Yes we do! We want our kids at RWC to experience Jesus the same as adults.  We allow our children to stay in the corporate worship service then we dismiss them to "Kids SHIFT" service downstairs to their appropriate classes Sunday morning and Wednesday Night.  Ages: 4-10

Q: Do you offer breakfast and coffee?

A: Yes we do!  Join us at 10 am for Life Classes where we greet you with a smile and coffee and discuss all things about our life  with Christ. 

*Greeters are avaliable in the foyer to direct you or answer any questions you may have.

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